According to this order, the Legal entity is obliged to submit the ownership structure to the state registrar together with the documents on the ultimate beneficial owners.
This order developed and approved a regulation on the form and content of the ownership structure of a legal entity to fulfill the requirements of the Law of Ukraine «On state registration of legal entities, individual entrepreneurs and public associations» and the Law of Ukraine «On prevention and counteraction to legalization (laundering) of proceeds from crime. by financing terrorism and financing the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction ”.
The main purpose of an ownership structure is to establish the ultimate beneficial owner of the legal entity.
We remind you that the ultimate beneficial owner is an individual who controls the activities of a legal entity.
Ownership structure is an official document that is a schematic representation of the structure of owners of a legal entity who directly or indirectly own this person independently or jointly with other persons. Regardless of formal ownership, they have the opportunity to significantly influence the head or the activities of a legal entity.
Legal entities registered before April 28, 2020, in the period from July 11, 2021 to October 11, 2021.
And also, those legal entities that from April 28, 2020 to July 11, 2021 did not submit a schematic representation of the ownership structure to the state registrar, in the period from July 11, 2021 to October 11, 2021.
In addition, the ownership structure, together with the documents of the ultimate beneficial owner, will need to be submitted when carrying out actions that, in accordance with the Law, require state registration.
From 2022 we submit annually, within 14 calendar days from the date of state registration of a legal entity.
In the event of a change in the data on the ultimate beneficial owners, within 30 calendar days from the date of the change.
We note that the ownership structure is not submitted by: individual entrepreneurs, political parties and their structural formations; trade unions, their associations, trade union organizations provided for by the charter of trade unions and their associations; creative unions and their local cells; employers’ organizations and their associations; lawyers’ associations; chambers of commerce and industry; Condominium; religious organizations; government agencies, local governments and their associations; state and communal enterprises, institutions and organizations.
According to the NOT filed power structure, administrative liability is provided, with respect to the head of the legal entity, a protocol is drawn up on an administrative offense under article 166-11 of the Code of Administrative Offenses and is sent to the court. For this violation, a fine is provided in the amount of 17,000 to 51,000 hryvnia.
Thus, legal entities that did not submit the ownership structure during the implementation of the registration action must provide the following information.